generateRandomData(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class android.device.SEManager
Generate a 8 bytes random number.
getAllStripInfo(byte[]) - Method in class android.device.MagManager
Get information on all 3 strips
getDeviceId() - Method in class android.device.DeviceManager
Get the device product serial number
getDockerState() - Method in class android.device.DeviceManager
Support i9000S(Android 4.3/Android5.1) only.Return the currently active docking station connected state .
getEncryptStripInfo(int, int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class android.device.MagManager
Get information on all 3 Encrypt strips data and plain text card NO.
getFirmwareVersion(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class android.device.SEManager
get security processor firmware version.
getKeyAction(int) - Method in class android.device.KeyMapManager
Returns special actions if this scan code is a KeyEvent keycode.
getKeyCode(int) - Method in class android.device.KeyMapManager
Returns new keycode if this scan code is a KeyEvent keycode.
getKeyList() - Method in class android.device.KeyMapManager
Returns all remap keys describes.
getKeyMeta(int) - Method in class android.device.KeyMapManager
getKeytype(int) - Method in class android.device.KeyMapManager
Returns ramap type if this scan code is a KeyEvent keycode.
getOutputMode() - Method in class android.device.ScanManager
get current the scan result output mode
getParameterInts(int[]) - Method in class android.device.ScanManager
Gets one or more programming parameters of type Integer from the scan engine
getParameterString(int[]) - Method in class android.device.ScanManager
Gets label programming parameters of type String at the specified indexs.
getPinBlock(int, int, byte[], int, String, long, SEManager.PedInputListener) - Method in class android.device.SEManager
Get the pin block.
getPinBlockEx(int, int, byte[], int, String, long, String, SEManager.PedInputListener) - Method in class android.device.SEManager
Get the pin block.
getPinBlockEx(android.os.Bundle, SEManager.PedInputListener) - Method in class android.device.SEManager
Get the pin block.
getResponseEnable(byte) - Method in class android.device.IccManager
Set whether the drive layer to the 61xx, 6Cxx and other commands for automatic data acquisition, the default for automatic acquisition.
getScannerState() - Method in class android.device.ScanManager
get the scanner power states
getSingleStripInfo(int, byte[]) - Method in class android.device.MagManager
Get specific strip information
getStatus() - Method in class android.device.PrinterManager
Gets the current state of the printer PrinterManager.PRNSTS_OK PrinterManager.PRNSTS_OUT_OF_PAPER PrinterManager.PRNSTS_OVER_HEAT PrinterManager.PRNSTS_UNDER_VOLTAGE PrinterManager.PRNSTS_BUSY PrinterManager.PRNSTS_ERR PrinterManager.PRNSTS_ERR_DRIVER Returns the printer status. 0 for status OK
getStatus(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class android.device.SEManager
get security processor hardware status
getTIDSN() - Method in class android.device.DeviceManager
getTriggerLockState() - Method in class android.device.ScanManager
get the scan trigger status
getTriggerMode() - Method in class android.device.ScanManager
Returns current configure triggering decode mode.
GOOD_READ_BEEP_ENABLE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID
GOOD_READ_VIBRATE_ENABLE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID
GS1_128 - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.Constants.Symbology
GS1_14 - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.Constants.Symbology
GS1_14_ENABLE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID
GS1_14_TO_UPC_EAN - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID
GS1_EXP - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.Constants.Symbology
GS1_EXP_ENABLE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID
GS1_EXP_LENGTH1 - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID
GS1_EXP_LENGTH2 - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID
GS1_LIMIT - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.Constants.Symbology
GS1_LIMIT_ENABLE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration.PropertyID