action - Variable in class android.device. KeyMapManager.KeyEntry
Describes the special actions to start APPS android.content.Intent
ACTION_DECODE - Static variable in class android.device. ScanManager
activate(byte[]) - Method in class android.device. IccManager
Activate and reset the card
activate() - Method in class android.device. PiccManager
activate card to start sending APDU。
activateEx(byte[]) - Method in class android.device. PiccManager
activate card to start sending APDU。
android.device - package android.device
android.device.scanner.configuration - package android.device.scanner.configuration
antisel(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class android.device. PiccManager
anti-collision and select card and returns the serial number of the card
apduTransmit(byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class android.device. IccManager
Transmit APDU to the IC card
apduTransmit(byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class android.device. PiccManager
Transmit APDU commands
apduTransmit(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class android.device. PiccManager
Transmit APDU exchange commands:e.g.
apduTransmit(byte[], int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class android.device. PiccManager
Transmit APDU exchange commands:e.g.
apduTransmit(int, int, byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class android.device. PiccManager
Transmit APDU commands for F Card
at88sc102_read(int, int) - Method in class android.device. IccManager
Read the data stored in main memory for At88sc102
at88sc102_VerifyPassword(int, byte[], int) - Method in class android.device. IccManager
Check & Verify password for At88sc102.
at88sc102_write(int, byte[], int) - Method in class android.device. IccManager
Write data to the main storage area At88sc102
AUSTRALIAN_POST_ENABLE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration. PropertyID
AZTEC - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration. Constants.Symbology
AZTEC_ENABLE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration. PropertyID
AZTEC_INVERSE - Static variable in class android.device.scanner.configuration. PropertyID